Trouble at school? Suspension, detention, expulsion, discipline problems?
You may qualify for our free School to Jail Pipeline services: The goal is to help students with disabilities to have the supports they need in school and stop the pipeline. Do you have a disability like ADHD? You may have protections.
- Free attorney/advocate support services on school issues if you have a disability and are eligible
- How to get evaluations so the school knows you have a disability
- 85% of children and youth in detention have disabilities, so know your rights to support your staying in school
- How does a 504 plan or an IEP protect you?
- Transitioning mid to high school students especially at risk of dropping out or being kicked out
- Native American students in New Mexico are 4 times as likely to be suspended from school
We’re doing presentations free for parents/grandparents of students with behavioral issues at school, Juvenile Probation Officers, psychologists, counselors, students in mid school and high school, foster parents, teachers, administrators, respite providers, behavior management specialists. It’s difficult for us to find parents whose kids have trouble at school. We know you’re out there. Don’t give up. Get your child/youth the support they need. If you work in behavioral health or in the schools and you know some of these families, let them know not to go through this alone.
LOCATION: Moving Arts Espanola 68 New Mexico 291 Española, NM 87532
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stop-the-school-to-jail-pipeline-in-new-mexico-tickets-532378818377?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
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